Custom Framing
We offer all types of framing from poster framing to full museum quality preservation framing. We can frame anything from art to sports equipment, we've framed a hammer and even a Bison skull!
With over 15,000 frame samples and over 2,000 different mat colors and a selection of linens, silks and cottons, we will find the combination that best suits your art. We strive to ensure that you get the most from your artwork.
Custom Mirrors
We can create a custom mirror in (almost) any size and design a custom frame to display it. Perfect for interior designers or someone looking to add an extra pop to a room or office.
Just need a mirror? That's fine too! We have different styles to choose from and would be happy to show them to you.
Art Restoration
We offer fine art restoration on anything ranging from paper to canvas to wood.
With each job being different, we must see the art before giving a quote. Please give us a call to set up an appointment to go over your piece.