When we started Sherman Mcnulty Framing all those years ago one of our dreams was to have a super organized company.....We worked at it, somewhat, and for the most part we did well but for the first time we have a space that is conducive to the result.
We are determined to make our new space the most organized yet, we want to be able to provide the best product and service that money can buy and to do that we absolutely need a great foundation.
I will add some pictures of the progress here and show you the enormous amount of disorganization that we have to endure to achieve our ultimate goal and I will post the little ray of sunshine that brightens my day and lets me know that we might actually get there.
The room in question is the store room, it is one of the smallest rooms in the building and yet there is a great satisfaction in knowing that at least one small facet of this enormous undertaking is finished, and so I leave you just a little happier and just a little more relieved!!!!!!!!